home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* AmTalk Starter */
- /* usage: */
- /* talk.rexx user@host locate/s remotetty */
- /* $VER: AmTalk.rexx 0.7 (11.10.96) */
- options results
- parse arg username locate remotetty
- parse var username user '@' host
- if ~show(l, "rexxsupport.library") then
- if ~addlib("rexxsupport.library", 0, -30) then
- exit
- IF ~SHOW('P','AMTALK') THEN DO /* Already there */
- ADDRESS COMMAND 'run >nil: AmTalk '
- address
- waitforport amtalk
- end
- if (user = "?"|user = "") then do
- say " talk.rexx"
- say " usage: talk user@hostname locate/s remotetty"
- say "example: talk mrfitz@groupz.net ttyp0"
- say ""
- say "If the user has an alias in the AmTalk userlist"
- say "then you can use just the alias on the command line"
- say ""
- say "example: talk mike"
- say ""
- say "If the alias has a dynamic address in the userlist,"
- say "(ie: mrfitz@ags-r3-p5.groupz.net) then you can use"
- say " the alias, the address and the locate switch to call."
- say ""
- say "example: talk mike l"
- exit
- end
- if host = "" then do
- address amtalk
- findalias user
- alias=result
- parse var alias user '@' host
- if user = "RESULT" then do
- say "Alias was not found in the userlist."
- say " usage: talk user@hostname locate/s remotetty"
- say "example: talk mrfitz@groupz.net"
- say " or: talk mrfitz (using alias)"
- exit
- end
- if upper(left(locate,1))="L" then locate="locate"
- address amtalk
- talk user host locate remotetty
- exit
- end
- address amtalk
- findalias user
- alias=result
- parse var alias luser '@' ghost
- if luser = "RESULT" then do
- if upper(left(locate,1))="L" then locate="locate"
- address amtalk
- talk user host locate remotetty
- exit
- end
- else do
- if upper(left(locate,1))="L" then locate="locate"
- address amtalk
- talk luser ghost locate remotetty
- exit
- end